FS R32gtr passenger(us driver) seat, AFC neo

GTR seat for usdm driver side, great condition $250.

afc neo, used for a week $300

parts are in kingston ontario, email is best

reason for sale is upgrading to a full bucket and an aem ems


forgot pics

the seat looks wet, but its just the light on that low pile suedy type of material


I like the seat, I’m 6’1", how much head room do you lose and are there any rails out there that anybody knows of that minimize headroom loss. I’ve heard of some SL (super low) but don’t know anything about them. I’ll take the seat if I can still fit in the car. alienswing@hotmail.com

these are stock rails from a GTR, you sit about half inch lower than stock s13 seat.

I’ll take it. Let me know the details re shipping etc.

best way to contact me is email/msn.
or you can call me 613 888 8369


still for sale, yay son

Matt is legit seller. been in the car, and he really did only use the safc for a week cuz he sux and blew his engine up… lol Id take the GTR fella… but you didnt like my low ball offer


off the car now…