FS: Riverdance Tickets (maybe)

I got 2 tickets for the riverdance show next friday that I expected to take my now ex-gf to but low and behold, we broke up. So now I’m stuck with these 2 tickets.

However, I bought the tickets online, so if anyone knows if Shea’s checks I.D.'s for these type of tickets or not? If they don’t I’ll be willing to sell. I paid 47.50 for both. But I’ll take 85$ for the pair. I’m taking a hit but I could care less.

Info about seats:

Balcony 2
Row J
Seat 44 and 46

Show is next friday April 20th @ 8pm

whoever buys these is getting a custom title… and you probably wont like it

ooooo can i get custom title angry black guy or a.b.m in acronym form???


whoever buys these is getting a custom title… and you probably wont like it


:rofl: I really wouldnt wanna be that guy


ooooo can i get custom title angry black guy or a.b.m in acronym form???


never ask for a custom title


consider yourself warned… next time you ask you will be sorry.

back on topic (no more bs)
bump for some ghey shit :wink:

eh there good date tickets if ur chick is into it, i guess. Huge waste of money on my part, shoulda thought before i clicked buy.


never ask for a custom title


consider yourself warned… next time you ask you will be sorry.

back on topic (no more bs)
bump for some ghey shit :wink:


sorry it was a bad joke freedom of speech dude can i have a meeting to apologize to you…sry was jus tryin to get a giggle during intermission im bored right now :bloated:

stfu and buy the tickets, and then i will give you a custom title

even more ot:
someone chop newmans head onto the river dance guy

wait you paid $47.40 for both but ull take $85. did you mean $147.50??

yes 47.4 x 2 is 94.80 so your saving like 10 bucks, Someone buy these tickets chicks dig this shit for some odd reason


stfu and buy the tickets, and then i will give you a custom title

even more ot:
someone chop newmans head onto the river dance guy




Fuck you Newman, its now my desktop.

End’s new custom title - Gayest :noob: ever

with tax they came to over 100 some bucks.

lol lord of the dance FTL


lol lord of the dance FTL


Riverdance isn’t Lord of the Dance;) Two different shows. To those bashing Riverdance, I bet you’ve never seen it…I’ve been to 2 shows now and while I’ll admit men tap dancing isn’t the straighest thing ever, the music is pretty cool and if you’re Irish like me it’s interesting to hear the tale of the Irish folk from the days in the old country to their migration to the US.

If I had $85 floating around I’d pick these up…

you asked for it


you asked for it


lol…that’s pretty funny:D