This list will be updated once something is sold, prices are negotiable especially if more than one item is of interest to you.
I am located in Etobicoke, PM me.
SOHC 1989 Cluster. $25
$25 SOHC 1989 ECU
$20 Pignose turn signals.
$20 Hatch Struts, work perfectly.
$25 Tan Dash with no tears, etc.
$10 a piece.
$25 Tan
$10 Tan
Located in Etobicoke, PM me.
could you send the filler panel COD to me in halifax?
List has been updated, still have what’s listed. Make an offer.
Do you have the panel that covers the ECU?
I’ll take the cd shelf thingy that goes under the deck.
PM me contact info.
Hey I’ll take everything you have to do an interior conversion (ugly brown to black) just throw me a price and shipping to Sudbury and I’ll get back to you.
Is the under tail light piece rust free?
Read The rules
Not sure what the problem is. PM me?
September 2, 2006, 9:42am
Not sure what the problem is. PM me?
You bumped your thread early. Please don’t do it again or the thread will be locked.
how many screws does that wing take?
September 2, 2006, 7:09pm
got a hood by anychance? maybe a drivers side window