gray seats almost mint only one small rip on the driver seat door side.
smaller peices
sun flaps 10
new battery 30
gauge cluster 20
steering colume covers. 10
hood latch 10
wiper motor 15
glove box 5
head light covers 15 for both
also that small peice of metal that goes between the tail lights and the bumper rust free has been sprayed black 15
can we see closeup pics of the rust spot on the hatch and also closeups of the bottoms of the fenders, inside and outside. I’m definately interested but I wanna make sure it’s worth the drive from barrie
ask requested here are pics of the inner fender and a close up off the rust under the tail light i’ve allready grinded away must of the rust its just a small spot of bare metal
not much of the bumper is cut away the previous owner had cut it so an intercooler would fit but its not noticable once its on the car.
And do you mean the interior peice that goes right behind the driver behind the door, cuz other than that you’d have to cut the car the part to get anything metal…
edit* if you do mean the interior peice i do have that for both sides 15 and you can have them both.