FS: Sabres vs Flyers tickets (game 5)

I’m going to be out of town this weekend…so I won’t be able to make the game (Sunday, April 30th at 2:00 PM) -> be there for what I think will be the series clinching game…

Section 321 Row 5, the same seats I’ve sold for some regular season games
$150 for the pair

makin a few dollars eh??

just a few lol

hehe, I’ve never sold any tickets for more than they cost… so I’m not sure what the usual scalping % is…

hint: check ebay out
i would wait until after friday, you will get more for them

you should be able to get 200 for the pair

If you will take $125 then Ill give you that today.

sooooold muahahahaha

damn you chris!

good deal

FUUUUUCCCCCKKKK saw the thread too late


These are the seats that sit right behind that steel gerder/pillar right.