FS: San Disk SD 1.0 GB Memory Card *Sold*

I have a 1.0 GB San Disk memory card for sale. I used it to store songs in my old MP3 player, but have a new one now with more memory so I have no use for this one anymore. This card can also store photos too, but I don’t know what cameras its compatible with. You can check San Disk’s website to see if the card is compatible with your camera here:

Looking to get $15.


replied :slight_smile:

Right back at ya.

sale pending to 95VDUB

$10 if he dosent want it?

Pretty much sold.

↑That cool, they are $10 brand new shipped for 2gb SD on ebay.

Edit: just bought one for $11, shipped Scan disk 2gb.

They usually aren’t real SD cards, I bought a few on ebay and all them stopped working in a matter of weeks.

It said genuine Scan Disk. The eBay ID name is scandisk or something like that. What ever, $10 we will see what happens.

Edit: Here he is, same one i bought

buy.com and meritline.com are very good for memory too.


Ehhh I buy and re-sell them all the time in my stores. As well as use them myself in all of my phones and they work just fine :gotme: