FS: Slim PS2 + GAMEZ!! cheap.

so you think that by selling something, that isnt yours, without telling the person they belong to, as a way to get your money, that you were too lazy to keep track of, and besides that not even entitled to considering i dont owe you money…is ok? you are officially a thief. i dont care how you try and justify it, thats not right.

i understand what you mean about publically defending yourself. but thats why i gave you 3 chances to take it away from this forum. you want the last word, so you will have it, this is my last reply here. just remember i wasnt trying to be the person saying whatever i wanted publically, i never brought any of the house stuff up, i just wanted what was rightfully mine and spoke only to that effect. i wasnt even a dick about asking, i really thought i was reminding you.

if you want to sit down tonight and work this out i am all for it. if i owe you money, or you owe me money, we can have it straight. but honestly, if i do owe you money i dont hardly feel you deserve it. living like you have in the house, and not pulling your weight…you paying more for somehting almost seems fair lol. you want to be lazy and disrespectful haha fine, you have to pay. but whatever, we will get it stright.

scream and get red in the face? kick your cars? lol wow now you are trying to paint a picture of me thats totally untrue. i would never kick your cars man. if we talk and i get heated, well i am sorry in advance. i dont like living in filth and when the person who is responsible for it acts like my feelings mean shit and you can do what you want cuz you just dont care…well to me thats wrong.

but i will do my best not to scream and scare you. for someone who doesnt mind confrontation every once in a while you sure have pussied out of stuff for the past few months if you think i owe you money. i will try and listen to everything you say and not interupt ok?

i think this is laughable too, we can get together tonight and get it completely resolved :tup: