FS: Sparco Torino Sport Seats

I have two Red Sparco Torino Sport seats in my Honda civic now. Im looking to get rid of them. When i was doing some research they go for around 550 a peice. So im selling mine for 700 (both).

They are in alright condition there not bad but they could be in better, The sun got to the shoulders a little bit and there is a tiny whole in the back driver seat down by the seat rail.


Will wash and clean the seats be4 person buys them if need be.

ill let ya know…depending if i get a car within the next week…

decent price.

these are so comfy,someone enjoy these


do u need a seat belt harness bar with these??

No you don’t need one-jladowski

thank u sir :wiggle:

it all depends if your using harnesses or regular belts…

regular belts ur fine, if you using harnesses u should use a harness bar/roll bar. spinal compression is no beuno.


nice seats jake GLWS! what are you gonna replace them with?

we are putting love seats in our cars a little heavy but fully reclinable

haha that works wanna sell me yours then : )?

yea u want them… ill probably sell mine or keep them just incase not sure yet

i want love seats lol

besides the love seats i got bills to pay haha.

lmk lee ill buy them.

way to go lee, you told me u werent selling them last night lol

Well how about we not worry about lee seats and lets try and sell the ones i posted up for sale in my thread ! :slight_smile:

noice, seats, too bad i dont have a car to buy them for…
