FS street go cart 250obo running strong drove it the last 2 days!


No it runs on methanol, it wouldn’t run very well or long on gas. You can get methanol at one of the couple local kart tracks as well as other places in the buffalo area. I wouldn’t be surprised if innovative could get it as well.

I will give you $50 and you fill up the tank with gas so I can drive it home.

nope thanks for the bump tho

Dude with the condition that thing looks, and the size of the engine, I doubt it goes 65mph, Maybe 20.

Id give you $50 for it.

It will not have my 210 pound ass going 65.

Once again people saying things in this thread that they know nothing about. These engines start their life as 5hp briggs and end up as 1000 dollar race motors putting out 15+ HP easily capable of propelling your fat ass at 65mph. Without knowing exactly what specs this motor was built to it’s hard to say but geared right it should be able to do it. The kart itself looks pretty old and the LF tire certainly isn’t stock but it is worth a couple hundred for someone looking to get their kid into the novice class, or for a cheap beater.

My lawnmower geared properly can get up to 100mph…eventually.

:fail: It definantly started life as a racing cart, looks to be a novice or junior one motor so playing with gearing (5 min change) it could easily do ~65, I don’t see why you idiots can’t except that. Don’t believe me look around the internet and see what racing karts are capable of. But what do I know i’m probably one of the few people on nyspeed with kart/racing expierience.

is someone paying you to be this much of a dumbass? you are miss interpreting what racing karts are capable of and what this kart can actually do.

the discussion here is not that racing go karts can actually go 65mph but that this kart…you know…the one in this thread for sale for $700… that runs on ethanol…methanol…methane…grain alcohol…whatever… yea that one wont go 65. Hell, it might not even start.

Get it to run and take a video of it running and maybe someone will give you money for it. No run no $$. Hell I wouldn’t even pay $100 for it. Its like saying “Hey this car should have a 1000hp motor, but I can’t start it so I’m not sure.”

Any hoot good luck!

HAHA quoted for irony…

make an offer

it takes my 200 pound ass to 65!!

the kid who i bought it from was bigger then meand it went 65 with him on it

we have made offers

350 is the lowest ill go

Vid of you driving it at a speed greater than 20mph and youll get decent offers


bump make offers?


:whogives: cool bro:tdown: