FS: The Warriors for Xbox, and Geist for Gamecube

Neither of these games has even been opened.

They retail at $49.99 each, make some offers.

I’d take geist for the right price… dont have a whole lot of extra loot for games but like I said… if the price was right I’d take it.

shoot me what your looking to get for it

How about $10 off of retail?

honestly man, I’m deffinitly not the type to low ball… but that game can be purchased on ebay brand new from 12.99 and up. I’d be willing to offer maybe 15.00 or so for it… but thats about it. no offense.




I can understand that you probably dont want to take a big hit on it though, as I assume you probably bought it in a store for a decent chunk of change. Just let me know man… if not, I understand completely.

if worse comes to worse… why not try trading it in to someplace like EB or gamestop for another game? Being that it’s still sealed, they might make you a better deal :tup: