This guitar is too big for me, so I never play it. Has newer Elixr Polywebs on it. $120. In great shape!
whoaa oppie, i might think about picking this up from you!
Def man. Come check it out if you want. I work till 10:30 p.m. so you could come by my work after 5:00 when no one is here. I’m on Wolf Road, so probably a little more centrally located for you too. This Thursday or Friday would be cool or anytime next week.
I was going to have the action lowered on it to make it easier to play, but the thing is just giant compared to me lol. I have my eye on a nice Martin CX1E at Guitar Center.
Pending sale…
oh man id love another washburn, some drunk asshole boyfriend of my sisters dropped my epiphone. good price
Still up for sale! Shoot me an offer.
Damn hippies. :Idiots
hahaha fuck you. im broke away from the hippie thing years ago.
I was talking about your sisters bf…but you’re still a hippy.
its in my blood man. i dunno