FS: Washburn D10BK Acoustic Guitar...

This guitar is too big for me, so I never play it. Has newer Elixr Polywebs on it. $120. In great shape!

whoaa oppie, i might think about picking this up from you!

Def man. Come check it out if you want. I work till 10:30 p.m. so you could come by my work after 5:00 when no one is here. I’m on Wolf Road, so probably a little more centrally located for you too. This Thursday or Friday would be cool or anytime next week.

I was going to have the action lowered on it to make it easier to play, but the thing is just giant compared to me lol. I have my eye on a nice Martin CX1E at Guitar Center.

Pending sale…

oh man id love another washburn, some drunk asshole boyfriend of my sisters dropped my epiphone. good price :slight_smile:

Still up for sale! Shoot me an offer.

Damn hippies. :Idiots

hahaha fuck you. im broke away from the hippie thing years ago.

I was talking about your sisters bf…but you’re still a hippy. :wink:

its in my blood man. i dunno
