It was used for 1.5yrs, 2 years ago. My parents had it and upgraded when I got my house and gave it to me… then Steff and I bought new ones and this one never even got hooked up. Put it away and now I am cleaning out the house to get ready for the wedding. Its damn clean and in great shape. worked fine when my father took it out of his house. I want to say its an older kenmore elite, but I honestly dont remember. I will check tonight and snap a pic of it.
Asking $40 for it.
buyer should ask about the 2 for one deal has. YEA THATS RIGHT THIS THING COMES WITH A ALMOST NEW BATHTUB!!!

Buy the machine, TUB COMES WITH IT FOR FREE!
Might have someone who would want this… Il get back to you.
very likely interested. Gotta check with the wifey first though (since she’s the one using it… zing lol)
why wouldn’t you be using the tub as well?
no use for the tub. Ours is in slightly better shape (not much though)
tubs cast anyways im sure it would of scrapped for the price of the washer lol