FS Wii Zelda, Wii Remote

I bought a Wii off of Craigslist. Came with Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. I don’t want it. Make me an offer.

I’m also going to buy Wii Play, which comes with a remote that I don’t need. So make me an offer on a brand new Wii Remote.

25 for the wiimote?

sure. i’ll pick it up tomorrow

when do you want it?

How much for zelda?

tomorrow is cool for me

yea man please pm me how much u want for zelda

I’ve got class 6-9 tonight, so how about Thursday night?

Zelda is $50 new so how about $25?

thursday is cool, as long as its before the sabres game


Actually I just picked it up on my lunch break. I’ll leave work at 4 or so and have class at UB north 6-9. We can meet up between 4 and 6 or after 9, or tomorrow after work.

Let me know. Leave a message here, or PM me, or call my cell 400-4568, or send up a smoke signal or whatever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Same goes for anyone that wants Zelda. I work/live in Tonawanda and have class at UB north.

Bump. Zelda Twilight Princess and a brand new Wii Remote. $25 each or $50 for the pair.

wii play is not fun, you shouldn’t have bought it if you did already.

Fry, I am selling wii play, if you haven’t bought it already.

:crap: Bought it a week ago. I like it though. :slight_smile:

Now someone buy my stuff.

I still want the controller

Whatchu doin tonight?

picking up a wii-mote?

Thanks Tom!

FS: Wii Zelda: Twilight Princess!

toyrus has all wii games buy two get one free, someone hide my credit card.

we’re out of most of the good ones though. still a good deal for anyone bulking up on games.

worked out pretty well for both sides. :tup: