FS: wood burning stove. EDIT PICTURES!

2 feet tall, 2 feet wide, brick lined. Glass door with expanded metal to protect the glass. Dial on side, lets you adjust how much air enters the stove ( let it burn hot and fast, or just have it burn slow, and keep the temp.)

good condition, and very clean. Excellent for a garage (thats where i use it)

and it was also used to heat a 600 sq foot cabin. works very well.

starting at $150.00 picked up, $175.00 delivered… I would love to sell this today, i can deliver, want to sell asap. Call 432-8670


I don’t care what shape it’s in, how old, or brand name…

$150 is a great price no matter what.


its up on craigslist, at this price, it wont last long!

^thanks brendan^

and for those of you who dont understand (3sny) 150 is a fucking steal for this, i paid almost 900 for it new 2 years ago.

wow i just asked if the price was firm so i could tell my co-worker. i didnt even make an offer relax

damn. The wife wouldn’t understand why I’m buying a stove for the garage… when its 70* out now. She can’t see that far into the future.

ill trade, stove for the truck jack.

lol if you talk her into it, let me know.

Hah bring her out into the garage next winter and make her see things your way. Mine did lol.

BUMP NEED TO SELL, i have a new one so i have no room for this. Somebody buy me!

TTT practical offers accepted!
