FS: xbox 360 elite

yeap like it says xbox elite with 120 gb hard drive.

throw me an offer.

comes with a bunch of games and one white wireless controller.

list of games?

shit i might want this. post up a list of the games.
EDIT: is there any DL games on the HD?
How old is the system?

i have so many games haha. ill post the newer stuff.
call 4&5 guitar hero world tour bio shock forza 2 i think gran theft auto 4(whatever the new one is) jeeze i dont even know ill have to look and update.

system is a id say a year and a half old. there are a few game dloaded demos and what not. you can have the rest of my live membership too.

just make sure your live isnt trathered to a CC bc its saves your info and you can renew whenever

just for xbox-325 firm.

with all games 375.

with guitar hero 415 firm.

pm me for game list.

I dont mean to be that guy but you can get an elite for $299 after $100MIR from FYE

whatever, 300 takes it.

bump. 325 with games.

yeah they are on www.geeks.com for 230 refurbed with free shipping (yes Elites)

posting list of games will make for easier sale.



bump 300 with games 360 with guitar hero.

Do you still have this xbox???

its gone.


If you buy one from them and then say in 6 months you get RROD can you send it to microsoft?