Fuckin CUNTS

This discussion needs more female opinions.

Paul, you poop 5 times a day? Might want to check that diet bro. That or you got some lactose issue going on.

If you shit 5+ times a day you probably should see a doctor.

If it was a lactose issue it wouldn’t be a log haha. Ask me how i know.

I’m a twice a day pooper. Once in the am and once shortly after dinner.

im usually good for three poops a day

Its normal for me.

I don’t do doctors even though I now have insurance

Maybe he just has the worlds fastest metabolism?

Took 2 shits today… third one’s brewin

Just dropped the first…its been a slow day

seriously something is wrong with your diet, or your internals if your shitting five times a day.

its amazing how much less you shit when you eat healthy.

Maybe I’m dying then. These boneless wings aren’t going to come out nicely though.

boneless wings count as your diet, not you dying.

Rectal destruction tonight


I usually eat fairly good, and i take two solid dumps a day. You’re supposed to shit more than once a day.

I do a mix of solids and soft ones, sometimes explosions.

where does someone find this

Define “explosions”. Like, you didn’t make it in time or you just reprinted the bathroom walls.


oh deff…but shitting 5 times a day isn’t normal if your eating healthy, 2-3 no big deal. once or less and theres also something wrong…obv i’m talking every day no biggie if its every once in a while.