I hear people BS about cars all the time. A guy I work with is always talking about how fast the six cylinder classic Mustangs were; according to him they were called “the quarter horse” because even big blocks couldn’t keep up with them in a quarter mile race, but in a half mile race the V8 cars would win.
ended up at dukes,wasn’t going to even go there but i kinda got dragged there,lol…o n who’s the pussy today Mr.i don’t want to drink for the steeler game:blah: :blah: lame
true, i wouldnt open my mouth about a neon… i’d still consider it slow untill it ran a 12… so your right i wouldnt brag about a neon as this kid did with a dsm
Didn’t bail,i can’t really stand places like that to tell u the truth. PLus i went to the legion n got hammered too early,eh…soooo fuck it. Ur a bitch anyway,y would i wnat to hang out with u?:nuts:
how does Dukes sound like a shitty place???
because some punk that was out of his element and came to Bethel was there, i don’t know of any bars that deny all brentwood punks do you??? :dunno:
fyi: Duke’s is a shitty place to hang out, most of the time
I usually don’t like hanging out at places where people are kicked out because they’re about to get physical arguing about imaginary DSMs. Don’t know, sounds pretty shitty. Could just be me though.
nah,its a great establisjment n never hsa any problems a ta ll,just so happens that some fucking white trash brookline kids cam in n were hammered doing nothing but talking about going n smoking a blunt n drving wasted,couple of bad eggs thats all. And nobody said anything to em so i did,i know the owner n all the people who work there. Very nice place n everyone knows evrybody else