Fun with Dryice

The dry ice I got from a friend that bought a 10lb box of it for $20 at the welding place in Glenville.

Try a 16-20oz Poland Spring bottle. They are made of really thin, stretchy plastic. Those work best when I hook them up to the air compressor, same basic concept.

Shit, you and I need to hang out more often. Do this stuff all the time up here at the shop when I’m bored :lol

Try PCB etching solution(acid) and strips of aluminum foil. Stand back(corrosive explosion)

Haha yeah man! I just happen to have a good amount of PCB etching solution! :lol I heard Drano and aluminum foil also works good.

i personally preffer a gallon zip lock bag and oxy ,act. = new dumpster doors. ROFL

I can get dry ice pm for details

Always a good time! Anyone remember the place happy ice? Thats where I got it for this type of mission last time.

I’m pretty sure I can get dryice where I work also, just have the find the freezer :lol

D U D E try vinegar and baking soda

Yeah I got a big block from them to keep my cooler cold for 5 days in the TN sun for Bonnaroo a couple summers ago.

put some powder chlorine in a coffee can, and put brake fluid in a plastic container (that it can eat thru), and put the container in the can… and get away as fast as possible

Draino bombs are ftw as well.

wtf i was expecting a video considering its in the video section and there isnt anything… damn u steve do werk!