Fun with Line Ridaaaah

Draw him ridin’ dirty.

And you wanna see some really sick shit with that game…


wow, thats pretty sick…wonder how much time it took to do that.

Very cool. But thanks for wasting potential hours and hours of my life.

Thanks, I have another ATM certification coming up this week, which normally involve hours of me sitting here waiting for something to break.

Holy shit, that video is nuts. Anyone know what song that is though?

Ok i started playing it, and im like look at me im a pimp i made a sweet ramp and he jumped it…

Then i watched the video… I’m not playing anymore.

Is there a way to edit lines?

Man that was sweet, must have taken forever.

I don’t think so, which makes that video even more amazing

I’ve played that “game” before, that video is sick, must’ve taken DAYS.

line rider reminds me of this dirtbike game for mac. I used to play it in my cad class in highschool, except you could control the dirtbike with the mouse. Line rider is just an algorithum, correct? I didn’t play, just watched vids.

song is by Block Party I’d get the actual name of it but I’m going to work and haven o time

Wow, and I was proud of myself for drawing a pendulum that he didn’t fall off of.

“The song is banquet by Bloc Party … (more) (less)”