Funniest Sportbike Fail I've Seen In Awhile - vid

Watch it at least 5-10 times and tell me seeing this turd go flying isn’t the funniest sh*t you’ve seen :rofl

omg :rofl

:rofl Came acrossed it on youtube too. I think he was confused about the throttle direction when he try to chop the gas but ended up pinning it…:rofl

lmao, couldn’t help but notice that they are polish (lady said it was “fucking awesome”)

:facepalm its people like this why everyone makes fun of me lol

Camerawoman should have stood in front of the bike for epic win.

Because Race Bike?

why do people like killing off these 636’s?

that was great

just made my day watching that.

Allow me to put them in the right order…:crackup:crackup:crackup
