Funny Nyspeed moments

anybody got pics or vid of those romanian brothers romeo and surge at southgate talking shit to everybody?

haha i remember that night…thout would be a funny vid…

hahah i remember that night!!..don’t think any1 has anything

damnitt,those fucking guys always came with like 12 European broads wearing boas and stilettos…bitches come

What happened to that thread?

who was the guy in the leather jacket yelling?

That was during the UBRF days :frowning:

i have no idea,most likely one of 20 metro friends that they would roll up with.

HAHAHA :roll2: … he’s actually one of my best friends… you should meet him :wink: that would be very interesting :banghead:

i may have to,ask him why he was being such a he the one with the benz that makes 700wh or something.he kept saying that his car this and his car that and it will rollest and diglest all night long,and then someone told him to go get it and he said he wouldnt.he wouldnt tell us what he drove either.
why is he so goddamn sneaky?

benz? no.

if you were there that night, and knew the story leading up to it, you would know why he freaked out. there was a lot of shit talking coming his way, and the guy who he is yelling at in that videos little buddy (hiding at that point) was talking shit. jesse was calm up until until that point… that video didn’t start until 2/3 through the convo

sneaky? no, he posted a video and listed his latest build part for part on here. we don’t really do the sneaky shit, its lame and we’re just out to have fun

if you were watching the video you would see he drives a mustang.

are we talking about the same video?

no lol i guess were was a late night at soughtgate. a bunch or russian/czech/european guys showed and started talking shit about everyones car.someone asked him what he drove,he wouldnt say.then he went on saying he would run anybody for 10grand and then we argued with him that we didnt race like that,nor did we have the money.he was a real pretty sure we are both confused about what night.
this has nothing to do with jesse,i know his car.
so this guy leaves and he was most likely just talking shit considering he was telling us he used 123power up fuel in his car and all sorts of space age shit any of us have ever heard of.a couple days after this event i did some asking around and found out the guy talking shit actually had a benz and supposeivly made 700wh.
original sin
turbociv and a couple more guys can shed light on this was a while ago and my memory sucks

so you weren’t referencing the muscle50 callout video? he was the one in the video with the leather jacket yelling

when seldermier asked me who the guy in the leather coat was i thought he was referring to one of the guys in my mistake.

lol no offense, but i thought this was a skit (the mustang on mustang video)

unless there is a way good pre-story, that guy in the leather jacket seems like such a tool… even if his car is fast as hell

How about Muscle50 callout 2.0 at SG about 3 weeks ago? :lol:

:lolham: what an interresting night

I drove through there today- it was depressing seeing the drifting road and so much of that land built up.:frowning: Glad we did that last year.

not a tool

i still like the “I <3 MANDI”