Funny Prank Vids

When i run out of cool crap to youtube i watch prank vids…

post some up



Jackass,Golf Course & Air Horn:

Ugh, post something that’s not so contrived.

Hah, he is laughing before he even pulls the chain


haha wow.

Wow, none of those are funny.

always puts me in a good mood

^ im suprised he got up with a grin on his face after he made that sound of a dying seagull

^^ I have a feeling the signals of pain going to his brain simply shorted out. He looks like a proud sponsor of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Dead Deer talking prank:

Japanese Pranks are the funniest. Watch the whole thing. It just keeps getting better.

↑ That one is funny but you have to mute it because it gets creepy.

BAHAHAHAHHAHHA LMAO at the rocket chair.

I would freak out if this happened to me.