Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

Fry you are a master at explaining complicated opinions and points of view in a simple manner. I envy that.

Sure, but you can walk away from a sore lip, even if the consequences were more serious, it’s still going to happen sometimes… can you walk away from a botched pull up and fall from a 500 ft tower?

No shit. Which is exactly my point.

If someone said to you: if you bite your lip during this meal, you will die, I will bet that you won’t bite your lip…

I guess some people just don’t have any confidence in themselves…

Confidence should not be mistaken with stupidity. Nothing and no one is infallible.

this is the same way people talk about anal…not that dangerous, girls

HA! awesome

No fucking shit, lol. But it’s all about risk mitigation. It’s hard for me to even come up with an example that’s similar to doing a pullup over a 500 foot drop because it’s almost the shining example of something that is extremely dangerous, but not extremely risky

there are hardly any outside variables… unless a 50mph gust of wind comes or the beam breaks, it’s nearly 100% user controlled.

Using fry’s example… if you were threatened with death for biting your lip during a meal, I am SURE that you could make it through the meal without biting your lip… and that’s a dynamic example, because there are variables involved. It’s entirely possible that someone has the physical ability and mental wherewithal to be able to do 10 pullups with that type of certainty.

People freeclimb cliffs ALL THE TIME. This is another very user-controlled environment… there are very few freeclimbing deaths… because while it is very DANGEROUS, it’s not, because of training and skill, very risky.

Going back on track…

and with that example… many people wouldn’t eat that meal because of the risk with death as a consequence.

well that’s a different discussion entirely… That’s a risk/reward argument.

you guys love arguing.

arguing sucks

+1 Making this thread lame to boot!


The whole back and forth on doing chin up over a 500’ drop reminds me of this:

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lol rim jobs

Blackberry does seem to be tossing it’s share of salad lately.


when u see it…