Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

I’m not saying it’s rocket science, but I’m sure there is a lot of pressure and it’s further than it looks to throw it.

I threw out the first pitch at a Bisons game, and that shit was nerve racking. I grew up pitching, so of course I threw a strike…but I could see how someone with zero baseball background could mess it up. That being said, call me maybe pretty much dropped the ball on this one.

I understand that there are some nerves involved, but to toss it towards the dugouts, female or not, is embarrassing. Most people are just worried about bouncing it.

I wonder what would have happened if the catcher blew out his knee when he slipped to go get the ball…there would never be a celebrity pitch in baseball ever again

This got everything he deserved. What an idiot!

Larry David Limo?

There’s another video that shows more of the race. The guys car he clinged onto, wrecked nearly everything infront of him. I don’t blame the guy for being so pissed off.

yeah I guess that guy who was IN his car took out the clinger, and his brother… among others. Not a well liked guy that race, and I guess rightfully so. Hanging onto the car like that seems stupid as fuck, though.

lol that was good. The one dude was like “holy shit that’s him…holy shit that YOU, why would you do that man??”

diet cokes FTW

At least it’s diet coke

Zimmerman jury photo leaked…