Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

I find these funny but might be in the wrong section. At about 3:18 they are on the 90 at the 290 exit.

NSFW language lol

lmao, is that real^^

im not entirely sure this belongs here but(t)…

Mmmm but(t).

I’d totally green card marriage that

This is not really funny. As incredible a feat as it was it was also incredibly STUPID.


Because I can’t stand theChive’s shitty video player…

Thanks. Technologically inept.

I waste a lot of time at theChive so I’ve gotten pretty good at finding the videos they’re stealing from youtube back on youtube.

Have they made a wing suit video game yet?

Not that I know of, but my one buddy just said he always wanted to get a gopro but he doesn’t do anything, so all his videos would just be of him sitting at his computer watching crazy gopro videos on youtube. Told him if he sat close enough he could probably fool some people.

So. Awesome.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1343246713638827332.gif

^ that is mesmerizing

Them Duke boys just haven’t been the same since their Charger was taken away…

GTA5 in real life!

Jesus at the last GIF

How the hell does that happen?