Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

Just walk it off.

EDIT: Guess you can’t image link .gifv

That guy is running on adrenaline.

one ticket to hell, first class please

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Nice job Dr. Shaky Hands

My thoughts exactly. Why not sneak up behind him an hit him with some charged electrical wires.

this is awesome…

This is unbelievable.

You all know Im a believer…but I dont agree with that^

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Lol wow

@newman do you think they really believe what they are saying in this?

FWIW, I truly do believe that they believe it. Not a doubt in my mind.

same ,they are so far removed from what they started out wanting to do.

I think they went into for a Mercedes, and ended up with a Jet.

“When asked of his style icons, Smith stated they were Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Superman and Kanye West”.

So Kanye West is a fucking superhero now?

I was having a pretty good weekend. Thanks for making me angry now

That chick is fucking hideous.

i can’t tell if it’s funnier being real or fake