Futon and FREE: Coffee Table

  1. Futon- from pier one, really well build. pretty comfy. really comfy to sleep on. it folds out to a queen sized bed. if youre poor, and you broke your queen sized bed frame OMG have i got a deal for you! what im looking for in trade- a comfy, not too visually offensive couch or loveseat. lmk what you have

  1. Coffee Table- omg free!!! one of my FEW remaining housewares from the ritz. its really very fucked up, the top part is burned, scratched, has had all kinds of shit spilled on it. im pretty sure someone tried to start part of it on fire once. free, just come and get it in hamburg

cmon, no one?

how big is the coffee table

idk exactly but would guess 4 ft x 2 ft

let me do some measuring when i get home in the morning and i will get back to you

Margs may want the Futon back, I’ll let you know!

ill take the coffee table jam, ill pm you

Ill buy the futon off you?

steve its all yours… it wont fit in the spot i wanted it

:slight_smile: thanks bud