Game for insomniacs.

As if we didn’t have enough games already here is one more, which is actually more challanging then the rest.

Basic word jumble, keep it car related to start, and go from there.

Unjumuble the word above and make your own.

Ill start : madionlf

If you need help scrambling use this link

Manifold ;D

ureisdca rafrier

It dosnt help that I suck at word games :lol

might as well make a new word because no one, actually maybe JClark, will get my scrambled word(s)

Lets try to keep it simple to start and see where it goes.




^ Wastegate


I’m looking at my post above and even I can’t figure it out :lol

c’mon, it’s an easy one… but I don’t wanna play so I’m keeping my mouth shut :mwahaha



HAHAHHAhahAH!H!!!H!!.. uhh hummm… piston

both work it was the first thing that came to my mind and i was like why would he type points!!! i thought points on a license… kinda car relatd. running on like 4 hrs of sleep a night my faukt for the OT…