Game Over (Game On?) for Financial Markets?

It’s gotta be yellow! And not a fucking automatic for christ’s sake

edit - z06s are all manual. I guess just finding the right yellow one. and I gotta figure out vehicle storage

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pm’d you

My dad is sitting on an 03 convertible. (red/Auto :face_vomiting: )
It’s only got ~3,000 miles on it. I thought about buying it off him, but…

How much does it cost to swap to manual trans on C5s?

i feel like it’d be more to swap than it would be to just buy a manual

miles that low tho probably fetch at least 25k

you can swap them cheap… probably $3000? for a stock manual trans set up? maybe $6500 for a tr6060 swap.

I have a TR6060 swap for a C5 I’d sell you lol

Or Id trade my 97 C5 with a 416ci LS3 and build z06 trans for the vert and say $10K

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I’m officially down on my 401K against what I’ve put into it… yay

nasdaq still has 15-20% more left to fall… if not more.

I almost lump summed today but I will wait at least another 10%

I really want them housing prices to go down too

Someone needs to make a meme.

Biden keeping marriages together.

Half of the biden economy 401k isn’t worth it.
Might as well hang on for 4 more years.

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Just keep DCA’ing!! Any OT I work goes right to my portfolio


skreli is back on WSB

*edit… OMG the exchanges in that thread are amazing. who knew reading could be so fun.

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Just keep DCA’ing!!

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I shoulda jumped in on the BBBY train when it was 6$ Thursday, oh well