Game Over (Game On?) for Financial Markets?

FRC is back down to $25 if any of you want to play Russian roulette with me. :slight_smile:

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what are you dudes seeing about all of this dedollarization talk?

years ago i read that libya, Iraq, Iran all tried to take other currencies for their oil and is contributed to US aggression towards them… now it seems inevitable that India, China and Russia will all transact for major commodities in their native currencies with the Saudis and other middle eastern states.

does this really mean a devaluation of the USD is imminent?

I really should pay better attention to business stuff. That piece of paper with MBA on it just sits in the folded (thanks usps) carboard envelope it came in under a dresser.

Any good business type pod cast out there that is not all
“start a consulting business. For $500 I’ll show you how”

Pick your bias.

Thats all i have to say on that. No idea who to listen to.

boys, on the subject of catching a falling knife… REITS. tickers: OPI, MPW

all time lows, the charts suuuuuck and the dividends are huge now… will be nice to time a bottom on those and others.

My balls left after GME. I just keep stacking VOO like a mad man

.25 hike… havent reviewed the commentary yet but hoping its hike, hike, hike, hike and then hike again.

inflation is alledgedly down in Canada to 5.2% but they also say there are no vaccine deaths so liars gonna lie… EU inflation increased back to over 10% which is wild… they have a huge rate hike cycle coming to catch up.

US is furthest ahead but still way behind where interest rates will actually have the impact needed.

this will be a fun one to watch:

i remember a bunch of nyspeeders making $$ off of Freddy and Fanny back when… was jealous i didnt get in.

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LOL I read his DD and it’s just him showing that he bought shares XD

holy hell FRC got smacked. hard… the thing will be trading at a market cap 1/4 of revenues by end of day… yuuuck.

i didnt make any moves, just added it to a watchlist and OMFG!!

So now is the time to buy it up right? lol

I nearly bought a bunch of svb and signature when those were crashing…this one might be different but not risking it

My gains on Western Alliance are almost covering my losses on First Republic. #diversify

Thankfully didn’t put much into this because I knew it was risky. All I can do now is sit on my $500 investment in First Republic and see if it’s ever worth $500 again. Not likely since it’s worth $100 right now.

Just dipped below $5 then back up a bit. Timing the bottom on this one would be amazing… but way too risky

If true, probably not good for the stock price.

Are we bottomed on frc yet?

Lol. Another 40% today.

But i swear they are also seeding positive news here and there to bring in just a tiny bit more retail.

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BBBY keeps dropping as well, and people keep loading up

FRC is likely heading to zero when the fed takes over the bank after the market closes today. So now I need Western Alliance to double my money to break even. :slight_smile:

Crazy how there are all of these calamities and yet the indexes keep going incrementally up.