
This game…is entertaining as fuck

on level 24 right now lol


just beat it…not hard

cant beat 24 FML onto a sniper game now. forgot about that site. that’s some 8-9th grade shit but its fun as hell :lmao

Damn you…there goes me getting any work done today.

I played this at work the other day, beat it.

Yeah I beat it last night, it was entertaining

Pocket Tanks anyone?

god this game was awesome. def needs moar levels though, i kicked the shit out of this thing.

word, beat that shit in like 10 min.

That was fun, I enjoyed the cluster of bombs thoroughly.

same :lol

still can’t get 24, only tried it 10x or so though before moving on to sniper assassin lol

Fml I suck at everything that has to do with electronics

level 19…

Fuck I couldnt get passed 17

lol I had to try like 5-6 times on some levels but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy

Ive tried like 15 times for 17 and just cant seem to kill that damn king

Stuck at level 24… FUUUUUUU

Beat it, but had the most trouble with 21.

Beat it