happy would you mind explaining the difference between the d-jetro and l-jetro versions? i cant find much info. is it just additional sensors and map capability? also do you know if there are any qualified tuners with the pro software in the gta?
Great questions Alex – and as far as L and D you pretty much have it right. Other than converting to a MAP based system there is no significant difference in the software. I personally stayed with the L because a MAF based system can easily support the power I intend to make and a MAF based system is, on a basic level, easier to tune.
As for dealers in the GTA – they do not exist. The only true Apexi Power dealer in the GTA is JRP. They have the dealer software but in my experience…it was a nightmare to get/use. Long story that I do not care to get into here but can take up in PM.
If enough guys in the GTA are getting a PowerFC I would personally be more than willing to get the FCDatalogit Box and help anyone out.
Perhaps I pay for it an everyone just gives me $20 a use (I dunno - just thinking out loud) If an when any of you get the PowerFC you will realize this is a decent offer. Tuning 20x20 fuel and ignition maps with the commander is quite tedious
Either way - I whole heartedly recomend the PowerFC as a tuning tool and Phil’s pricing here is more than decent.
Dan - You are right, it is the L-Jetro unit, if anyone is interested in getting the MAP based D-Jetro unit, I can get a price on that as well.
I’ll look into getting the PRO software and let you know.
Gonad - I can’t do any better than the prices posted above, $1000 is below my cost.
Please add “confirmed” next to your name if you are seriously interested in this, I’m hoping to have them ordered by the end of Feb. so that everyone can have them at the begining of march and be ready for spring.
I will need atleast a 50% deposit for all orders since I just don’t have this kind of money lying around to cover the price of these units.
Yea that’s what I was thinking. I know its about $950cad but I figure
somehow customs was out to get me and I was still nervous of shipping
electronics from Japan.
I guess $1170cad flat doesn’t sound bad either. :dunno:
Especially when I pay 50% at a time…so it feels cheaper
Yea that’s what I was thinking. I know its about $950cad but I figure
somehow customs was out to get me and I was still nervous of shipping
electronics from Japan. :([/quote]
Yeah - for some reason Customs didn’t beleive my buddy in JP was sending me a $1000 birthday present - hahahah
We need to set a cut-off date for this and wherever we stand at that date
with the number of people confirmed, thats when we’ll decide on the final
price and submit our 50% up front.
Without a date this thing will just drag on.
I say FEB. 28 2006 is the last day to get in on the GB before it’s closed. :dunno: