ok i have 5 sets of coupe tails coming… $210 shipped each set, net of everything.
is there any GB for hatchies? or is it just for the elite coupes?
I have ordered 5 sets of coupe tails and 2 sets of hatch tails… the hatch ones are the black housing ones with the red meatball stuff looking things.
I have already received partial and full payments for some sets. If you want to secure a set please pm me.
hatch tails are $180 shipped. coupes $210.
for pics of the hatch ones go to the first page… alex posted pics of what they are.
the tails have arrived, first sets will be shipped tomorrow.
i should have at least one set of each left after pre-paids pick up.
i have at least one set of each (hatch and coupe) left over from people that backed out.