
i’ve always had a soft spot for gn’s. for some reason i like how rosewoods look. top it off w/ a set of lighting rods form a olds. seeing im mixing and matching, only logical thing to do is buy a monte, stick a buick engine in it w/ a olds shifter. be a g body whore.

^ :rofl: don’t make bob jizz

Be a fun cozy ride

oh, along w/ feb being the shortest month, it is also black history month. how appropriate that cuttys car is the feb car :slight_smile:

You said it not me :rofl:

already in the works.


bOb u need this

he already has one i have seen it on his car. every g-body owner that lives in the ghetto has one brian come on already.

learned my leasson the hardway… the column lock already saved the Monte twice…

i had one i got from pep boys for 30 bucks ! best money i ever spent

years ago in the Gbody days. Ppl tried to jack my boosted regal a few times. thank god for a kill switch but fuckers still broke the columm. After the 2nd time ended up getting one of those columm locks. best money spent

My mom’s '89 Caddy had a column lock when she bought it.

My question was who would steal a FWD Caddy? :rolleyes:

you know damn well who would steal a FWD 89 caddy, or a gbody or anything…lol
