Geico Sparks Caveman Sitcom? VID*LINK

I sincerely hope this is a marketing ploy…

Apparently this is a trailer in theaters.


this is old news…

they’ve been planning on making a series using the cavemen for at least a few months now…

looks funny to me

so Encino Man goes tv?

Uhhhg :tdown:

I really didn’t need another reason not to watch ABC, but ok.

The commercials arent funny. The sitcom wont be funny.

I thought I heard it got canned too.

holy crap nikuk, i don’t have tv, don’t go to movies

and i still know about this

Anyone else notice that the audio and the scrolling text at the start of the video don’t match?


holy crap nikuk, i don’t have tv, don’t go to movies

and i still know about this


eh, i rarely see either. I depend on the internet to keep me up to date on incredible social findings as such.