George Carlin dead at 71

You don’t take a shit. You leave one, man.

i still think my fav is his bit on flying and airports.
“you may now get on the plane.
fuck you. you can get on the plane, but i’m getting in it!”

i just ordered his book

RIP. Funny guy.

this man was seriously my idol. Fell asleep listening to his stand up routines every night from about 9th grade till about a year ago. As much as I want to be sad, he wouldn’t want it.

RIP Georgie boy!

Put on a hat and go to work you shallow cunt!


rat shit bat shit dirty old twat. 69 assholes tied in a knot. Horrayy Lizard shit, FUCK!


[ame=“”]YouTube - George Carlin on Death - RIP[/ame]