Get Smart

Who’s going to see it?



She is a bombshell though.


Looks funny…

The Rock is in it, too. He’s funny.

thanks for the NWS post you dick head…

I said NSFW…


Respond to my MSN…

Generally you give a warning before NSFW, asshat. Make the pic a link.

Easy there, internet tough guy.

well he’s right matt…

im usually not one to give a shit about these… but when my boss is right behind me and i dont see a damn warning… kinda bothers me

  1. it clearly says NSFW before the picture. If you didn’t see it, perhaps you should get your eyes checked.
  2. i want to bitch you out pretty hardcore, but i realize you are an autocrosser, and as a result, i will refrain from slaying you with a plethora of demeaning sentences.

Thanks for the backup hombre!


Are you worried he’s going to think you’re not gay anymore?

I will be going to see this.

I used to LOVE the show.

EDIT for sureishot! _ On NICK @ Night at my grandparents house, when I was like ten.

What are you, 50?

i edited just for you. :hay:


Get smart is like the original Inspector Gadget but not as cool.

Autocross is pretty gay. Nice edit to get rid of the tit pic.

When the NSFW, and the tits are maybe two cm away from eachother, its not very effective. No one scrolls through a thread with a fine tooth comb, making sure there’s no nudes in a thread about a PG-13 movie.

I don’t give a shit but seriously, use your head. On most forums that’s worth a bunch of points, some a ban.