Ghetto prom pictures

good for a few laughs :mrT:


I found it rather interesting than ghetto, although that big girls needs 2 put something on. :eek4:


the helicopter hairdo is the best!! :eek4:

was it a circus theme?

I can’t believe their parents let them leave the house looking like that.

wow thats just wrong lol

you can’t? do you live on this planet? That doesn’t suprize me at all. I bet her mom picked that out

i can’t bleive the school allows that

come on kurt, if they say anything they are being racist. They are celebrating the dress off their ancestory. :rolleyes:

i’m used to country schools i guess

And I’m used to modesty, I guess.


oops, forgot the pregnant chick at the end. Updated! ahhahahahaha


:rofl: :rofl:

not even her first she had a c-section already

Look! Its gay Usher! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: