Ghost ride tha whip..

How is me saying I don’t like ebonics racist?

where did I say that champ?

What you just said is a slaughter of the english language. Go read some Shakespeare. That is in proper english, yet way different then how you are talking. Same exact thing with what you think of ebonics.

I is raceinst agains stpuid ppl!

Again. NA-KING Ghost rode his whip down a very popular buffalo street…this is nothign new. :lol:

I love the fact that people are more concerned about someones distaste for ebonics and no one cares that this asshole just used the word nigger as freely as he possibly could. well this message is for that prick i got plenty of nigger right here for you and if you might wanna meet up an say that shit to my face we can set that up but unless your gonna do that shut your mouth

(he was being sarcastic) :bloated:

I was being highly sarcastic. I am in no way shape or form racist.

blow me.

You should learn to read sarcasm.

just out of curiosity, how often do you use the word yourself?

I do not use that word it is offensive, ignorant, and just a word that most people who are uneducated use…If you were being truly sarcastic than i extend my most sincire apologies…As to the rest of those who commented at me thx dads for pointin out my own ignorance although it was a bit of over kill 3 times but the point was made and i am sorry…But i have a question an why was that word of all words neccesary to validate your point? I guess the question would be why use that word at all?

Sarcasm is an effective way to point out other people’s ignorance. I hate racism. I hate racists.

This being stated i understand your point an apologize again for my own ignornace

:tup: for not being a raving dumbass like so many other ppl here…

:tup: to you. I was just curious because of people who say its sooo offensive, then turn around and use it themselves. If it actually is offensive, you would be offended by it no matter who says it.

These gentlemen should be Cattle Proded

Best thing ive seen since churned butter

Prolly faked, but still dumbest fucking shit ever. “Gone ghost ride dah whip baby!”

Shit I do that all the way to work in traffic homeslice. Fo’ rizzle.

EDIT: Everyday of course, gotta keep it realz.

This looks like fun.

I think I will try it out while working tonight.

Eh…I don’t have to defend myself for not liking ebonics…many people dislike ebonics. I am just straight forward and dont care if I offend someone by saying it. I am not some politicaly correct “omg I might hurt someone’s feelings” bull shitter.