Ghost ride tha whip..

im really glad you said that.
and im glad i read the rest of the thread before i responded.

yet you get all pissed when people say the same shit about religion

Yeah. I come off odd i guess.

did anyone see the guy in the red truck do that… o man did that have to hurt…

If I ever saw someone doing that, I’d get out smack them and then drive away…But it seems fun lol

orrection, I do not get pissed off. I will argue my views on something…but that does not mean I am pissed off. I am sure there are things you don’t like that people do. Does that make you intollerant and racist…no. It just means you do not like it.

jokes or not.
i kinda hate seeing that word plastered on the webz.

i feel like i see it entirely to often/sincerely on this board as well.

and JEG. you really do come off as some racist a-hole.

:lol: wow. Some of you are fucking stupid. Name who I am being racist against.

Oh snap he’s racist against crackas!

All of you, less bitching, more ghostriding of tha whips.

I need a camera!

Hey…if there is anything my life has ever taught me its this…you can’t trust whitey!

Well I hope your a man of your word…I’ll give my key’s whenever you feel like running me over!

ghost ride the whip niggaaaaaa