Ghost Rider comes out today!!!

I just got back from seeing it. I read the comic book now and then as a kid. I thought it was actually an awesome movie. Obviously the special effects kicked ass. I went because I needed to use up a gift card from Christmas - other wise I’d wait until it was on DVD or peer to peer. If you’re not a fan I’d say wait. But it was definitely cool, IMO.

sweeet…i remember the comic book as well, that y i wanna see that and the Special effects looked pretty decent

noone wants to admit they went and paid for it.

I went to go see it. Thought it was alright, not the best, but alright. More of a comedy.

I mean cmon people, its a lousy $9, wipe your vag’s and go see it. who cares if it bombs or not.

agreed, plus its winter time at that, not like theres alot to do as it is around here this time of year

saw it last night.

fucking horrible.

plot inconsistencies a five year old could catch.


at least mac can get laid…what do you get

I for one can think of better things to do with $9 than wasting 2 hours in a theatre and getting dumber watching a crappy movie. Thowing $9 out the window of a moving vehicle sounds like more fun than that movie.

I find mac entertaining.

me and the girlfriend got a “dinner and a movie” gift basket my mom made for xmas. used up the red lobster card within 2 weeks :yum:

thinkin of goin to see it tonight but not sure… 42hours at work in 3 days is kickin my ass

paid 5.00 was alright, liked the bike if it was real. looked cgi’d

complete waste of money it was sooooo cheesey dan and i just went and saw it…i would not recomend it

hooorrriibblllle… I was really upset because I read the comics as a kid and this was just a terrible movie…

i hate just about every nick cage movie but this one seems to be the worst. i cant stand movies that dont have realism .i didnt even like gone in 60 seconds because cage was in it.

oh my u worked 3 14hr days

dont u love his life story in all his post!wow i worked 14 hours in on day!,10 of it was riding in a truck!:hsugh:

trucking is hard but nothing to cry about. i worked 26 hours in one day.

he dont drive, he sets!:smiley:

:bowrofl: when you say riding that implies to me he’s in the passenger seat head on the window fast asleep.

isnt that what u do ?

no i drive…