ghost ridin grandma

another wow


first words out of my mouth…“Are you serious!!!” LOLOL

From when the music began, I laughed all the way untill the end. :clap: :lol:

I did the same. I wish my grandma was that cool!

I could only hope to be that crazy when I get old. Hahahaha!

Gramps looks like he had some crazy moves.

Dude, grandpa had some moves. I cant lie.

I swear to goodness … that when i get that old (which isnt too far away) … that i will deff. be doin that ish

would have been better if she said lets ghost ride this bitch



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


One of the funniest vids I’ve seen in a long time

lolllllllll :clap:



thats great


the living fuck;

  • what in