
but then again her bullshit… to you may be no big deal, where as others it strikes a nerve… people are more tolerant of something thing and less tolerant or not tolerant of others…

this isn’t working…no big deal…I’m not attracted to you…ok fine…the other thing…is what really pisses me off. why bother? just let me be if you wanna be with someone else. don’t lead me on. I won’t take it to heart if someone is straight up with me and doesn’t fuck me over cuz they think everything will be better for them. too nice…maybe. unfortunately there isn’t a whole lot I can do about that. I’m a nice guy. I’m the kinda guy that girls always say they wanna have around…but when they get the chance they go for the asshole instead. worst part about that is in a month when her douchebag boyfriend is treating her like shit, that’s when I’m good enough to talk to. they realize it when it’s too late. as nice of a person as I am, I don’t give second chances in situations like that.

it’s just tough to believe that someone can be that shitty of a person to screw me over for their own benefit. then girls wonder why they get used all the time. girls like that turn guys like me into assholes.

i read most of this thread and all i can think is WUSSBAG and/or ballless wonders.

all you need to get chicks is any combination of these:

sweet car (but this goes back to having money)
a big dick and/or good in bed
strong personality
rugged good looks don’t hurt
power ALWAYS helps

a man knows in 5 minutes usually if he’ll fuck a chick. chicks usually wait about 10-15 minutes then decide.

the real answer to getting a chick is to be a man.

i was trying to be nice, but really, that’s the answer you’re looking for

son, beck was dippin into that shit longgggg before you were. :wink:

LOL we found out about that last night at Xeons new years party, I lol’d my ass off when beck started getting into detail as to what he did with her and watching Sals face just change from like “whoa” to “OMG NO!”

I was there as a witness. Fucking Hilarious!!!

UH Speaking of LSF…Uh…yea sorry I had to leave the party so suddenly, but duity called and I answered.

girls are only good for one thing… to jack off in.
get over her

It always go back to the ladder theory. I have yet to prove it false.


For those who are unaware of the ladder theory…

Maybe you will learn something…


i read the rest of the thread an it seems like this girl might have some… “high milage?”… if thats the case… you’re better off w/o it… nothing worse than beat up beef curtains…

Who are you? lol


hahaha nice i never said anything about beck but it doesnt suprise me

pics of whorebag

Ladder Theory FTW… Its sad but so so so so so true. Stop fighting reality, live with it.

ill let sal decide if he wants to throw up the myspace link

lol yea, I dunno about that. I’m thinkin I should just let it go.

Whats the worst that could happen?

I’d rather not find out. lol

edit: btw she seemed less than thrilled to find out from a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) that there was a thread started by me which was dedicated to her.