Gizmo my puppy! 7 weeks old (updated new pics 5/15)

Cuter as a puppy.

lol what puppy isnt cuter than when its fully grown.

I <3 Golden Retrievers… such awesome dogs!

Wife with her first day we got her

And some current shots

hes actually a labrador retriever and a chow mix. he definitely looks like a golden though.

and what a fucking cute dog you have. he looks like hes very playful. i wonder if hes like mine and wont stay out of the water.

Aww cute. Even when he’s grown.

I had a chow/shepard mix. best damn dog I had. RIP Sasha. She ruled. She looked more like a chow though. We would shave her, but keep her neck, and end of the tail, and she’d look like a lion. Haha.

lol nice. im wondering how fucking weird hes going to look when hes older because of the chow part.

She’s quite playful, I have actually have shots on my Flickr of her going into the sprinkler. She loves water and actually she loves snow too. Wish I could of gotten pictures yesterday of her leaping around in the snow, it was caked into her web paws and all under her body.

I am curious to know what she would do around a pool.

pictures of gizmo taken yesterday. so damn hard to get pictures of this dog because he never sits still! even when hes laying down hes moving his head around.

this picture came out blurry but i had to post it due to the flipped up ear! lol

then my golden retriever at my parents house! man this dog means the world to me!

dogs rock. Cool puppy

took the dog camping, and i have to say, we were not expecting him to be as good as he was. this dog was the fucking shit! went hiking with us, was so very lovable. everyone we passed said how beautiful he was and how he was so good. heres some updated pictures of him at 8 months. hes bigger than a newfoundland that is the same age as him. lol hes big.

and we finally got to see him play in the water for the first time, he ended up swimming one of the times he went in.

how much does he weigh? I think the pictures make him look pretty small.

My dog does better off the leash than he does on. I can take him for hikes all the time. He wonders within sight, but always stays close. Hard to keep him out of the water.

Had to put the crotch shot in didn’t you.

My lab is constantly chewing sticks and wood.
Right now she has pretty much eaten a large wood stake I had leftover
from my fence work.

I wish I had more time to train her… she is a major PITA when people come in the house.

yeah same, he can be crazy at home and jumping around everything, but when he was camping, man he was great.

we cant let him off the leash because well, we just dont trust him. if i had more say with this dog he would be out and about constantly and always being played with. but due to it being my gf’s families dog that i got for them (wish i almost didnt) he sits in his cage more than he should and doesnt get trained as much. me and my gf’s brother, do the most amount of training. after this past weekend though he will be out more seeing as my gf’s father was very pleased with how he was.

You really need to educate them on how the dog needs to be treated. Labs NEED mental and physical simulation. If they don’t get it, they get crazy. Find wooded trails to take him to, and let him off the leash. He won’t leave you, but make sure he knows the command “come”, or will respond with a whistle. Let him run and explore, throw some sticks for him. He will be a completely different dog at home. Much more calm and relaxed.

I take mine mountain biking a few times a week, and also play frisbee with him in the backyard. Also, you can try the dog park.

Couping him up will just make his behavior worse.

ooohhhhh believe me, i know how to train a dog and i honestly have said something to them, my gf and everyone that neglects the dog! i have a golden retriever which i spend all my time with when he was a puppy and he turned out fucking amazing. but they dont listen to me at all and get pissed off if he does one thing. they dont realize, if he does something wrong, he gets put in his cage, after about 15 min or so, take him back out, dont just leave him in there.

he doesnt get that if you show attention to them and give them some time, they will get better. if you keep them in the cage after they do something wrong, they wont learn but instead will retaliate by destroying things and pissing and all that fun stuff.

like i said, that i know. and i do wanna take him to a park or to the woods for sure after this last trip. im going to be taking him to my cottage come summer time in rushford to see his mom because she is 2 trailers over.

He is now about 9 months old.

These were taken through a window screen, I just wanted a picture of him with the basket ball in his mouth.

great lookin PUP!

he is definitely a fucking joy to pay with, hes crazy but fun as shit!

He looks very strong! I love big dogs ugh.

Dude you need to get some higher socks lol.


lol the socks are fucking great, not me! I’m not that old yet.

hes a very fucking strong dog. he gets out of his cage some mornings and we have two bungee cords and the lock it has on the cage, he just pushes right through, dont ask how. he has snapped one runner on us, snapped some metal clips and pulleys.