Badass looking dog = PIT BULL
this is gonna be my next pet…
Siberian Husky FTW!
buttttttt… Siberian Husky Puppy FTMFW
i had the same pergo in the old condo
irish wolfhound
husky puppies are sooo cute
but so are springer spaniel puppys
my dog. his name is “Tripod”
English Springer Spaniel
damnit i got beat to it lol
i miss my old pup sooo much, i grew up with her, pure bred* and the nicest dog ive ever came across.
if someone ever broke into our house, it would lick them to death!!!
mine would just bark then sniff then go lay down…i miss mine too…he was pure bred
awesome dog
This kind…because she is mine
Havanese…shes 7mos old now but this is when she was 5 weeks
his name is Odin
Odin is an English mastiff and one of the biggest babys ever.
WTF Panda dog ?? thats cool
When I was like an toddler we had 2 St. Bernards…frickin awesome dogs…HUGE when I was like 2ft tall lol.
Im pretty sure panda dog is a chow (sp?) I think they loose their markings as they get older so as soon as panda dog grows up hes not so JDM
Agreed. That this is a dorable.
I want a brindle coated bulldog.
i have one and the thing has soooooo much energy