post a pic of you and your pet

like title says, post a pic of you and your pet

aw thats cute…

i dont have a pic of me and my dog together…i should get one though

cute. catlady

my cat > your begal

me, my babys and my belly


Loves to choke the dog?

hahaha… no way. i dont choke her (tho it does look like it kinda).

ya, shes a purebred springer spaniel.

fuckin adorable…i had a cocker spaniel he died last year. at my parents house we had three cats, and at my apt i have two cats i just adopted in the past week. i wont post a pic of me and my cats…bc that would make me an attention whore haha

this is foxy and lilly

Me and Bo…

is he still pissing on the floor?

they look stoned now pics of you and your pussy

I’ve seen that dog i think. Ilive in bridgeville 2.

nope 6 months ago he decided he was going to be part of the family finally. Only took his dumb ass 2 years.

i looked i only have pics of myself with pets other than my own

that works:naughty:

whats left of my pet deer!