Dog Lovers, I have some questions (Rott, Doberman, Boxer, etc)

UPDATE POST 66! Got one!I’ve had a beagle since she was a puppy, shes awesome. Her best bud from the past 6 months is a pitbull who I’ve been watching. They’ve become quite fond of one another, but unfortunately the owner is requesting his dog back. I tried to buy the dog as he is a great dog, but theres no reasoning or negotiating. :frowning:

So I’m looking at finding a new dog, ideally I’d go save one from the pound but they dont seem to have what I’m looking for and the last thing I need is somebody else problems.

So I’ve narrowed it down to a Boxer, a Rottweiler, or a Doberman… I want minimal grooming requirement, I want it to be a medium to large size dog that will provide some sense of security for my house, also want it to be able to go for a jog with me (the one or two that I go on yearly) and health issues are a concern as well. I’m open to other breeds, but I’m going to shy away from Pitbulls just for personal reasons, (the one I have now, atleast for the next week or so has been nothing but perfect, i just dont want a Pit at this stage of my life)

So, what are your thoughts? and why? is there anything you think I may be over looking or forgetting?


I fucking love my boxer.
My mom and my best friend both have boxers. buddy breeded his and my mom got a puppy for x mas.
They Love to run. My mom plays fetch at least once a day and lets the dog out to run on there 3 acres.
My dog knows I’m his master and will obey me 99% of the time. ( he just has to try and bite atv / dirtbike tires nothing else )
I can walk him without a leash, if he gets ahead of me I stop he comes and sits by my side. He gaurds the house, and is not found of strangers intill you kneel to his level and pet him then he is 100% fine. He is great with kids, He is kinda a rock head and don’t know how strong he is sometimes, I tell him to be nice and all is well.
We have had 2 rots and had to have them both put down due to hip problems.
My buddys boxer has hip probelms but 100% does not get the exersie he needs and he always sits on the side of his hip not on his ass.
If your getting something from the pound, its gonna be hit or miss, the dog could snap at anytime.

I have nothing to really add except this

Best dog possible.

German short hair pointer. These dogs are so well behaved its ridiculous. Short hair is nice to keep shedding down as well. Everyone I know that owns them can just let them go and not have to worry about them running off if not on a lease.

We’re on our 3rd dobermnan. they were bred/created to be perfect. Strength from a rott, speed from greyhound etc etc
Everyone thinks their dog is the best…anyone who meets Titus, agrees HE IS the best dog.

Lab or boxer. Rottys are just as bad to handle as pits. Not a fan of the look of Dobermans.

I’ve had great experiences with Rotts. They should be fairly easy to train and should be friendly if you raise the properly.

Or get a Doberman and don’t crop the ears.

That’s not true at all but whatever, Any dog can be good or bad, it’s all how they are raised. I think my family has had 7 or 8 rotts over the years, plus 4 or 5 litters and we never had a problem. The only aggressive one out of the bunch was one we took in that was abused by his previous owner, and even then he was fine around adults just not a dog I would want around small children. The rest have been some of the most mild mannered and best dogs out there.

I want a doberman with cropped ears, but i’d never do that to a dog… lol

Side note, i found a boston terrier locally thats 20 weeks old (I’ve always wanted one, but now im at a point where i want a big dog)

We’ll see who responds to my emails and what a couple days of thinking this through does for me.

Keep the comments coming.

Theres a rott 90 miles away that an 80 year old lady is getting rid of due to moving into assisted living in SC… its 16 months old, raised with 2 small dogs, on 5 acres, i’m debating making the drive

(having dejavu from when i brought diesel home the first time. its a good feeling)

I don’t disagree completely , but if he’s nervous about a pit bull then why shouldn’t he be nervous about a Rottweiler?

Btw, I’ve seen both gentle rots as well as really aggressive ones. Same with pit bulls.

thats a shame you feel that way about pits, all they are is a larger terrier just like a boxer. same breed of dog. My pit is the best dog ive ever owned, and he is very good with my 2yr old daughter.

ill never own a different breed of dog. He is always by my side.

I have such mixed feelings on them. I’ve seen so many good ones. Then there’s the stories like chino’s where they show abnormal aggression.

(the pit problem is just because my parents wouldnt watch a pit, and they’d watch the other dogs… stupid i know, but they live close enough to where theyd be my sitter if I went out of town)

---------- Post added at 11:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------

EDIT: the boston terrier lady just responded… its appealling… hes just a pup, and hes $400, hmmmm

I kinda wanted a bigger dog though… this is tough.

---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------

SIDENOTE… the dog thats leaving me in the next week, is a pit, and hes a big baby. (he did turn on me one time, but I dont blame him I deserved it :lol:)

small dogs are cute and easy to maintain and cleanup after, however a larger dog such as a pit or boxer you can lay on and roll around with and it wont even fase them. I know, gay. lol Only reason i would get a small dog is to keep my larger dog company.

I dont want to be the dude with a bunch of little gay dogs, but bostons are awesome water dogs, ton of energy, and like mini boxers

its tough to say no to that face…

and this face

and this one

There are also brindle ones that I am in love with, (sams dog is awesome)

and a few doberman that look like decent prospects… puppy route might be tough though.

you could always get a baby pit and tell everyone that its a boxer. People think my pits a boxer all the time because of his size. By the time he is big/old enough for your parents to realize its a pit, they will already love him and have no problems dealing with him.

I want that boxer!

Here is my buddy

Love this guy.

^awesome pup.

---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 PM ----------

EDIT: Pups.

This is going much better than your projector thread.