want to buy a dog for my b-day

help me pick what kind and where should I get it from…I am thinking I can find a nice mix breed @ a no kill shelter/animal rescue league/www.petfinder.com

short hair a must
not a big dog (preferably not over 60-80lbs MAXIMUM)

pit bull

For all those that know him, I like rookees dog, he is a perfect size and all…tell Brutus I said what up :slight_smile:

you looking for a lazy dog? an active dog? a lap dog?

i got my dog from www.somersetpets.com

it was only 60 bucks and i got 30 back when i had her spayed.

here’s a dog you might be intrested in.


Get a Rottie :slight_smile:

my buddy has a doberman the thing is like a cruise missile in a hallway…cool as hell dog but thinks he’s a foot long when he jumps on you.

lol you want a raper dog. when compared to all of the above a Rott. is so much cooler.

Do you where a lot of stupid gold medalions by anychance?

sam stay out of my thread!

I am by no means any kind of rapper, I am a white russian you dolt!

I think a rot is too big, as my next door neighbor growing up had one and it was an animal, nice and lazy but he was just so huge…I have a friend that has a 185lb 2year old st. bernanrd and he thinks he is a pup still, so I know that a bigger dog isn’t for me or my leather couches :stuck_out_tongue:

show a picture of brutus pete…<I might come and steal your dog HAHA>

my next door neighbor has a bulldog now, and she’s cool, she sleeps most of the time, I don’t want a super active dog, I work long hours during busy season @ work so I don’t want a dog I have to come home for lunch and take out, but i will if needed…I’ve been waiting to get a dog for 9+yrs now since my parents would never allow one and now that I bought my own house, I can have one for sure :slight_smile:

He wants a raper dog? Yikes, as far as I know my Pitbull hasn’t raped anyone or anything yet…

On topic, of the dogs you listed, I’ve had good experiences with Dobes, Pits, and Boxers.

I assume you don’t have any kids, and you will be able to devote a significant amount of time into training/walking this dog everyday?

If so, I think that the Pitbull is the best choice…the other two choices can and do get closer to 80lbs, also, Doberman fur is generally a little longer. Speaking personally, my three and half year old female Pitbull is the best dog I’ve ever known- very obedient, very energetic, EXTREMELY loyal and protective of me, my wife, my house, and even our cat, affectionate, smart…just an all around great dog.

If you have small children, I would avoid any of these dogs as they ARE strong, powerful breeds- and no matter what anyone says, you can’t ever totally trust any animal including a dog.

The English Bulldog…eh, they are lazy, ugly, sloppy, and very unhealthy. They are generally apathetic towards life. They also tend to die much earlier than other breeds.

I don’t want a super active dog, I work long hours during busy season @ work so I don’t want a dog I have to come home for lunch and take out, but i will if needed.

Okay, don’t get a Pitbull. My dog is VERY active and energetic.

A Boxer would probably be a better choice.

dogs make a great b-day gift! i got a dog for my 17th b-day from my b/f.

i used to work at petland (by the way DONT EVER BUY A DOG FROM THERE!) and we had a few of the dogs you named. They are all great dogs…but bulldogs are known to have alot of problems. i think out of all of the ones you named i liked to boxers the best. they are very nice dogs (as long as you want them to be).

I’ve been around pit’s a good amount and really like the breed, not sure if Sq. Hill has some ordinance against them or not, and is 2nd on my list. I really like dobermans, but they are just too expensive most places I’ve seen, a boxer would be a really nice dog, I really like them as well. I hope they don’t like to chew as much as Pit’s though :frowning: A bulldog i threw in the mix just cause they are lazy and short haired, I will have someone @ the house to take the dog out at least twice a day, and could do it 3 times a day. I am no by no means lazy, I just want a nice dog that won’t eat all my shit, has short hair, and no i don’t have kids or even close to that effect so that’s not an issue…thanks for the input…

im gonna say boxer- pit bulls are too agressive…hell just get a cat if you can’t decide…haha

Boxers are generally much mellower than Pits…including the chewing. Pits are notorious chewers, mine included.

tough dogs are for pussies. on a more constructive note, golden retrievers are always good dogs, black labs too. I like bigger dogs myself, St Bernards and alaskan malimutes.

buy a lab there good dogs.


austrailian shepherds are great dogs…somewhat on the “so smart that your stupid” side, but great.

how do pit-mixes deal with aggression…all these shelters around here have soooooooooooooooo many pit mixes, I mean I don’t need straight breed, I just need short hair and somewhat calm dog…All pit’s eat and play all the time and is the only reason i am not set on one…I’ve seen some really cool boxers and they tend to be more mellow like you said…hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I’ll start looking around more for them i guess :slight_smile:

FYI-I am not getting a cat or a pug :moon: