Apartment Dogs

Most Apartments have restrictions on how large or what type of breeds dogs can be.

What are some good apartment dogs and why?

PS- I already have some ideas of what I want- I just want to see what else is out there.


Bull Mastif

Dachshunds (wiener dogs) are the best. My wife and I have miniature one that is 12. She got him when she was in middle school and he is the best dog ever. Even though he is getting old, he still looks and acts like a puppy. He doesn’t make too much noise and he is able to be home alone from like 7am to 6pm without destroying anything (usually) or any accidents. Here are some pics of our little terror.


Dachshunds (wiener dogs) are the best. My wife and I have miniature one that is 12. She got him when she was in middle school and he is the best dog ever. Even though he is getting old, he still looks and acts like a puppy. He doesn’t make too much noise and he is able to be home alone from like 7am to 6pm without destroying anything (usually) or any accidents. Here are some pics of our little terror.


Pug, no question. Good size, don’t eat much (feed both of mine a half-cup of food twice a day), friendliest little buggers ever. They will be your best friend. I have two, one is 1.5 yrs old (all black), the other is about 8.5 yrs old (regular colored), and couldn’t ask for better ones.

Have to take a pic of my mom’s pug. sucker is huge and they were limiting his food, but discovered the pig was eat acorns from the tree!

I love Yellow Labs. very smart and don’t spoil 'em like my mom did her other kid. Whiny old lab, but he almost died from some plant poisoning (just being near it did it) and she spoiled him after that.

Buy the house, get a big 100lb dog, and fu$$$ the apartment…little dogs are for wussies…

x3 for Pitbull

Well I personally would never have picked a dachshund, but my wife has had him since I met her and now I think they are one of the best breeds. We have a 2 bedroom townhouse so we don’t have a ton of space, a lot more than an apartment, but it is still too small for a big dog. Once we upgrade to a bigger house with a bigger yard, I am thinking great dane, pit, or weimeriner.

Weimeriner are a great breed. I’ve never met a weimeriner I didn’t like.

pugs snore.

beagle :smiley:

Get a Collie…


English Springer Spaniel or a Lab

Yes, they get fat if you let them be too lazy. Our 9 year old one is fat as hell.
Walk them and watch how much food you give them and they stay thin.

Yes, they occasionally eat weird stuff for a snack.

Yes, they snore. Sometimes even if they’re awake.

You can deal with it when you love them.

I want a pug. They’re cool.

I want a pug… but sonny hates their breathing sounds. So I was looknig and found a great deal od Puf Beagle mixes that are ADORABLE!
I love Pitties and my great uncle bred Bullmastiffs. I would love to have one of each. However, Many apartments in the area don’t allow “killer breeds” (even though we all know pits are good if they are raised right) and dogs over 60lbs.

So I’m looking. Keep the ideas coming.

oh yea… and I don’t want a dog with long hair or that sheds a lot.

I know all dogs shed to some extent- but if you saw my dad’s pitbull lab mix you’d understand my concerns.

i thought you had a dog

also lab are not small. i have a yellow lab he is 75lbs. but i am amazed that he doesn’t shed a lot

i love pugs but i heard that they have health problems and do not live long like other dogs

I am shoping for a bull mastif soon or a english bull dog