i want a little puppy thread.

as title states, i wanna little puppy, only thing is, i want some annoying lap dog that does not get big. a pug, or Chihuahua. pretty much, something that is a pain in the ass annoying but does not eat more than me a week. i know i cant afford a big dog, or i’d get a rott.

anyone got any suggestions?

get the pug…everything personality wise makes it a great dog for you.

Chihuahua’s suck PERIOD!!!

no way pugs fall apart when the yget older eyes start falling out and limbs start coming off get a mini pinsher or something like that.

talk to speedracer or vwspeedracer cant remember his screen name here

he is the king of prissy dogs

i used to raise/breed minature pinshiers. my female was a great lapdog. she like to sleep under the covers too. they are a terrier just like a chihuahua, just not as odd looking with there bugeyes

Eurodad’s beagles FTW


my firends dog just had puppys there them dogs from the wizzard of oz what ever kind of dog that is

beagle is to big. i want a tiny ass pussy dog. somehting that looks liek it belongs riding shotgun inside a vw cabriolet :slight_smile:

Get a Mini Weiner dog I had one he was badass full grown he weighed 5 pounds. German Car German Dog FTW!!




Min Pin’s are awesome, so are miniature miniature dachshunds, but I hear they’re scared of everything…

the mini pinschur is bad ass. whats one run?

sailor Slowmaro95z28 has a little dog that looks sim to that…but i’m not sure what breed it is…i’m waiting for him to return my call cuz i know he’s been try’n to get rid of it… i’ll let u know

the weiner dogs are pretty cool. buddy of mine just got one. i go through spells where i want a dog too. i almost got a boxer. but there was pit bull in its blood lines and was aggressive towards my sister in law’s dog so it was a no go.

Good lookin dog.

mini wiener dog FTW. My sister has two & my parents have had about 8 throughout my life. Cool ass little dogs. I can get some breeder info from my sister if you need it, sailor.

i used to sell pure breds with papers for 300ish. that was 10 yrs ago. i see them for cheaper and more tooo.

Min Pin is definitely you, Sails. My sister’s is a great dog. Extremely intelligent too.

Get Welsh Corgy (spelling???) I was pissed when my parents got one but now I love her and there’s 3 in the family now. Great little dogs.

min pin

American Eskimo = Chick Magnet, we used to have one, and I loved walking it because girls used to always stop to check it out…lol They are fun dogs though, and they dont have a annoying yippy bark, but they stay small
